Thursday, January 22, 2009

10 Things That Are Bothering Me Right Now

  1. Leonardo Dicaprio was not nominated for Best Actor.
  2. I am not as good at my job as I used to be.
  3. I am hungry.
  4. I am unable to make decisions because I am paralyzed by fear of their consequences.
  5. My shirt is covered in tiny, almost unnoticeable, stains.
  6. I think I am on the verge of a nervous breakdown.
  7. My face is so, so round.
  8. Facebook has become a habit, not a diversion.
  9. I am unable to fully appreciate Benjamin Button because of Forrest Gump.
  10. I can't remember, or never knew, who that old lady character on LOST is.


BEM1212 said...

p.s. I have not seen The Reader yet so there is also a distinct possibility that I will be pissed about Kate Winslet in Revolutionary Road but I guess ultimately who cares, she still got nominated. Like when Michelle Pfeiffer got nominated for Love Field instead of Batman Returns. Still infuriating but what can you do.

Unknown said...

1)It doesn't matter because Mickey Rourke was nominated and when you see The Wrestler, you'll understand why.
2)I would bet money (if I had any) that you are actually BETTER at a job you've had for several years rather than worse.
3)Eat something
4)Fear is your friend, but more like the friend you don't really like but have to be friends with because your parents are friends
5)If you think their "almost unnoticeable" I'm pretty sure they're completely unnoticeable.
6)Puh-lease. When aren't you?
7)Hi. My name is Jon. You don't know round.
8)But it's sooooo fun
9)David Fincher and Robert Zemeckis are NOTHING alike and if I ever hear you say something like that again, I will kill you.
10)She was on last season when Desmond was traveling through time. Also, I think she may be Jeremy Davies' mom.

BEM1212 said...


BEM1212 said...

That lady is so awesome. I want to watch The Others right now.