Wednesday, August 13, 2008

List Challenge! #2

We haven't had a List Challenge since dennisj did the first one back in February. If anything can breathe life into something it is the Olympics. Therefore, I challenge you to list your top 5 Summer Olympic sports and/or events.

And while you are at it keep making other lists!!

1 comment:

BEM1212 said...

What a great idea, chach!

1. Dressage, obviously - I think I like team mixed dressage best.

2. Decathlon - but I wish it had more hype.

3. Volleyball - though I have a hard time choosing between beach and regs. In a pinch I'll go with beach. Less hugging.

4. Men's Gymnastics - probably also obviously

5. And this year my new favorite sport is..... Kayaking -- I will take it anyway they offer: solo, tandem, flatwater, slalom....
Runner Up: Which only loses because I wish it had less hype: Swimming, particularly relays
Dishonorbale Mention: I hate weightlifting, and the events of earlier this week have verified I will never ever ever watch it. *Shivers*