Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Best Trivia Night Ever

I played bar trivia last night with some guys from work at the Flying Saucer. There is a bonus round question (which is like Final Jeopardy - you wager a certain amount of points (we wagered the max)). The bonus round question for which we wagered all our points was:

Name 7 of the Academy Award Best Actor winners from the 1990s (film released in the 90s, not the award date).

I started shaking uncontrollably.

The list:

1990: Jeremy Irons
1991: Anthony Hopkins
1992: Al Pacino
1993: Tom Hanks
1994: Tom Hanks
1995: Nicolas Cage
1996: Geoffrey Rush
1997: Jack Nicholson
1998: Roberto Benigni (sp?)
1999: Kevin Spacey

We lost anyway, but still.


Boxcar said...

I fantasize about trivia rounds like that. How did you lose?

BEM1212 said...

Well, we won the bonus round (~~~obviously~~~) but had sucked so bad in the early rounds we couldn't catch up. The winner had 91 points and we only had 66 total.

But I got my 20 for Oscar question! I could not believe my luck with that question. I am so sad to know it will probably never happen again.

Why don't you move here and we can start a team?

Boxcar said...

I don't know if you saw my post on FB a few weeks back but I got the question to list as many Van Halen albums as possible. I got 12 and the next closest team got 2. We won first place. Ha.

BEM1212 said...

Which 12?! List them!

(I maybe know 1.)

Boxcar said...

1. Van Halen 2. Van Halen II 3. Women and Children First 4. Diver Down 5. 1984 6. 5150 7. ou812 8. For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge 9. Balance 10. Van Halen III 11. Fair Warning 12. A Different Kind of Truth *these are out of order but that didn't matter and I barely remembered the new one. But still.