Saturday, December 25, 2010

Holiday Movie Watching

Inspired by Donald Glovers tweet this morning and my first retweet ever! I would link to it but can't figure out how to do that on iPad.

Here are some movies I have watched over the past 2 days in Blackjack and Humble

Romeo and Juliette ( Claire and Leo version)
The Proposal *
national Treasure
national Treasure 2*
the Town
return of the Jedi

I am sure there will be more to come. In silent H town for 2 more days.......

* did not watch entire movie.

Found list Christmas edition 2010

This is a list I found on the island at my parent's house about an hour before we had Christmas Dinner. My brother cooked all of Christmas Dinner - so I am not sure why she needed to make this list.

I originally wrote this post on Christmas Day, but I just now got around to downloading the picture from my blackberry.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Things I Had To Look Through On My Drive This Morning

  1. Jacked up eyeball
  2. Dirty glasses (because I can't wear contacts with a jacked up eyeball, and I can't find my little glasses cleaning cloth - think pjenks in 2000)
  3. Scratched and foggy sunglasses over my glasses (thanks to my Dad and the doctor who did his cataract surgery last year)
  4. Filthy windshield
  5. My own guilt at being late for work, yet again
Also, all of this in absolute silence because my radio still doesn't work.