Friday, February 10, 2012

Please Don't Talk To Me About My Items, Really Nice Whole Foods Lady

(and make me inadvertently pretend to be part of a couple by using the word *we* no seriously I did that)
  • Cajun Sesame Sticks from bulk
  • Grated Parmigiano Reggiano
  • Slice Lemon Icebox Pie
  • Half Loaf Parmesan Basil Bread, sliced
  • Red Wine
  • Abita Mardi Gras


BEM1212 said...

As you know, I am not fond of anyone looking at, much less commenting on, my grocery items.

Although, if you were in front of me, I would of course inspect all of your items. (That's why I strategically place mine on the conveyor belt.) If I had been behind you, my assessment would have been: She shops at normal stores for most things, but she comes here for just these specialty items. And I might have thought you were entertaining. I would have checked your ring finger for the "we" part.

You said "we"?! So awesome.

Julie said...

I really did. I think she said something like, "Looks like a fun night," and I said something like, "It's all we need." So it was kind of metaphorical anyway. I definitely thought about you and your grocery store issues. Everything was delicious (we loved it!). I highly recommend the Abita Mardi Gras, and I also highly recommend either eating your bread superfast or freezing it. Fresh bread gets moldy fast, y'all.