Friday, June 18, 2010

Overheard at the Family Reunion 2010

I really should have kept better notes, but here goes.

"That girl was on drugs and really messed up my haircut. And I'm gonna tell her that, too. As soon as she gets out of jail."

"Those horses follow one right behind the other. Until one of 'em craps."

My brother to me, following a really unfortunate incident that I should have been able to avoid (I must stress that this is commentary, NOT a request):
"How 'bout that shirtless hug?"

My mom--in a cabin full of middle-aged sober women, including me--to the shirtless step-cousin, who had just given a drunken speech about how to avoid public drunkenness charges in Arkansas. Cheery voice.
"Well, that is just GREAT information for everyone in this room."

Guess who--when asked which movie he had just spent the last (I want to say 2 hours, but really more like) 10 minutes explaining. As a warning to me, I should add, when he found out I'm going to Italy.
"It's called Taken. Or Tooken--I'm not sure."

50-something man obsessed with his new fancy camera, to 8 year-old girl:
"Look--it's a close-up of the hair between your eyebrows."


BEM1212 said...

I wish you had a recorder because imagine what all you missed! These are brilliant, as usual.

Jon said...

I wish I could give you a book deal for these.