5. KFC
This is insulting on so many levels. I couldn't find the most offensive one which is a douche bag eating his KFC in the "office" and talking to the camera while he eats and has food orgasms. It is, needless to say, a turn off. But the thing I hate most about these commercials is the fact that everyone likes KFC. It's delicious. No argument. But I'm not so much a fan of the people who eat KFC (or any fast food) and it seems as though this commercial is trying to make me friends with them. Gross.
4. Disney
I have nothing against Disney. At least, I didn't until I was forced to watch this commercial 45 times. And it's not the fact that it's stupid and annoying and doesn't bring out my "disney side" in any way, shape, or form (and I'm pretty sure I have one). No, it's the fact that 6 seconds in, a grown woman looks over to whom I can only assume is her father because she refers to him as "papa", and realizes that he is no longer in his seat. Now, I don't know about you, but when I look over to find someone and they aren't there, my brain makes the conclusion that they aren't physically present and therefore cannot hear me. But this woman doesn't believe her brain. She isn't quite sure what's happening so just to double check she asks again.. "papa?" she asks, as though he is just invisible and might respond. Come on, Disney.
3.Lumia Icon
I really just don't like that guy.
2.Anchorman 2
This movie is horrible. Let me extrapolate (wrongly used word, I'm sure). I loved Anchorman. But there was a very specific reason. They had no fucking idea what they were doing. They even edited two versions of the movie for the dvd release because they didn't know what the hell they had. And (for me, at least) it was hilarious. And then people caught on and it made tons of money and they waited a long time until finally someone greenlit a sequel. Bad idea. So bad, in fact, that I went to the theater opening day to see said sequel and yes, it was horrible. And now I see ads for the dvd release and it just twists the knife.
1. Hulu
This one specifically. I watch most of my new shows on Hulu. Hulu knows this. They know this because I am using their website to watch Hannibal. Then why, for the love of god, when I'm only into the fifth act of the current episode, do they insist on showing me a teaser for the next episode which reveals a MAJOR PLOT POINT that I have yet to reach on the current show I am watching??? Ugh.
p.s. THIS is how you do it...