Monday, January 19, 2009

Reasons I hate Judson Laipply

1) His stupid name
2) His lack of funny
3) His lack of originality and/or funny
4) He inspired a T-mobile commercial that is neither original nor funny
5) He inspired someone to write on his youtube video "The funniest 6 minutes you will ever see" and needless to say it wasn't. Not even close
6) He makes money doing what he does (see above to understand why this is a problem)
7)Re: # 4 above, he inspired someone to write the following..."looking at this i smileed at home much cooler humans are than enything else, how often to cats all go to the station and dance like that together?"
8)See #7


dlm said...

1) Agreed.
2) Agreed.
3) Agreed.
4) Agreed.
5) Agreed.
6) Agreed.
7) Agreed.
8) Agreed.

BEM1212 said...

If it makes you feel any better, I had no idea who this asshole was until I Googled it.

Why is the author of the person vs. cats comment not more famous? Do you have a user name so I can try to keep track of this person?

Julie said...

I was so confused by P. Jenkins' comment because I assumed he wrote this post. But (and I know you didn't mean it this way) it does make me feel better because I didn't know either.