Monday, January 5, 2009

Things unique to Chicago that I Love

- The CTA
- The impracticality of wearing high heels
- Book Clubs (both – for very different reasons)
- My job
- Krista


BEM1212 said...

WHO IS THIS KRISTA!?!? Just kidding. But can you explain "both" re: book clubs?

Unrelated. Do you know the Wilco song "Far, Far Away"? It's on their first album and whenever someone says "CTA" I can't help but think of it. It is a brilliant, beautiful song and it will totally make you wish that you were riding the CTA with Jeff Tweedy, or at least his voice.

Punky said...

Krista is a gal I meet in Spain that I've kept in touch with all these years and now we have massive amounts of drinks at least once a month. She's a rock star.

"both book clubs" - means I'm in 2 (yes I actually have time to read 2 books a month).

Far Far Away always reminds me of you and KC, because that's when I first heard that song and I asked you what the CTA was :) And yes - I often think of that song when riding on the CTA - particularly when drunk...