Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Reasons I Love This Commercial

  1. She is blind and has a walking stick. She would be able to figure out that there's a suitcase in front of her without some strange man moving it.
  2. No way that guy plays soccer.
  3. No way that girl WATCHES soccer.
  4. People that good looking who ride public transportation live in New York or L.A. or Chicago and they would never, ever, be late for work to help some old man collect his "papers".
  5. Thank GOD that man stopped that 2lb rubber tube from rolling into the sand. Whew!
  6. That lady raking her leaves would have been like "bitch, worry about your own yard".
  7. That guy is just a little creepy while he washes his car and looks at the ladies raking leaves.
  8. Seriously? Who would leave a huge puddle of coffee on the break room floor?
  9. Oh, that bitch who considers it a HUGE UNDERTAKING to hold a door for a BLIND WOMAN.
I seriously cannot stop laughing at the idea that the ONLY reason she held the door for the BLIND WOMAN was because she witnessed the miracle that was a co-worker cleaning up a mess on the floor.

Thank you, goodnight.

1 comment:

BEM1212 said...

Reasons I love this commercial: This List. Can this be a series?