Friday, January 20, 2012

Things I am selling in the garage sale tomorrow

Multiple jigsaw puzzles
An ugly throw pillow
Bunn coffee maker
Coffee table (from Target!)
Dry-cleaned men's slacks (size skinnier)
An old lady TV tray thing my mom gave me for no discernible reason
A hard rock Mozart t-shirt
Two t-shirts from work
2 boxes of VHS tapes (lots of Hitchcock, Sayles, and Pfeiffer)


BEM1212 said...

24 dollars!!!!!

Julie said...

Did you sell any VHS tapes or pwc shirts? I have no doubt about the old lady TV tray thing.

BEM1212 said...

I sold 2 VHS tapes and gave away several more, free with the purchase of a friend's VCR. I don't know what happened to the work shirts OR the TV tray! I will have to ask, but I don't remember seeing them. The thing started at 7:30 or so, and I didn't show up until just before 10.

P.S. Next time we are hanging out, and drinking, remind me to tell you of my hopes of how the children would use my VHS tapes.