Favorite 5 (plus-3) because I just can't do it, but I can be clever about it.
Warning: the word masterpiece (and other similarly silly words) is gonna be overused, appropriately
So this one is obvious. I quote it every day. That poster is my favorite tangible item in my possesion, now or ever. No movie has entertained me more. I might remember movies where I have laughed harder or louder (different list idea), but I don't know of any that have made me laugh longer. I love movies (and I love screwball comedies), but man I wish I loved them as much as Peter Bogdanovich. And if any movie deserves to be on this list, it's the one that introduced Madeline Kahn to the world. |
Peter Bogdanovich made this the year before he made What's Up Doc?, and it couldn't be more different. It's also a masterpiece, but it is one of heartbreak and nostalgia and hope and all the things that make my heart hurt and then swell. Peter Bogdanovich made Paper Moon two years later, and you can't find a better 1-2-3 by any director. |
Like The Last Picture Show, this movie stirs me in a way not many others can or will, but it is also a comic masterpiece. I doubt Austen will make a list so I will steal his often-stated opinion that this movie boasts the best ending in film history. I get tears in my eyes, and smile involuntarily, just thinking about it. |
It's hard to pin down the best Hitchcock film because, again, masterpieces, but for purposes of "favorites" I've always picked Rear Window. Notorious is a close second in this race, but something about Rear Window has always won out. That something might be Thelma Ritter. |
I don't know if I've ever been more captivated by a movie. I picture myself from the first minute sitting in front of the screen slack-jawed, waiting and knowing something beautiful was going to happen. Robert Mitchum is beauty enough (good grief, those eyes) but Lillian Gish singing harmony on "Leaning on the Everlasting Arms"? Holy shit. Everything about this movie gives me goose bumps all over. | | |
Plus-3: One Repeat and Two Non-English Films
What DJ said. |
Some words already used: Masterpiece. Captivated. Goose bumps. Tears. Beauty. Best love story ever. |
This film is as rich as any novel, and of all the movies I have ever seen, none has made me happier to be human. |
I was going to do your list for you and would have only gotten 2 right. It's nice to surprised.
That's what the comments are for! Let's hear em!
So, as few movies as I've seen in my life (relative to you folks at least), I'm pleased to say I've seen 6 of your 8. I've also seen a few more on my "see more movies" summer goals list, but none of them would make it to my top 5 list, not that I plan to write one (since I don't really have anything to say here).
Okay, if I had beaten you to the punch and actually posted Blaine's top 5 I would have gone with 1) What's Up Doc? 2) Broadcast News 3) Field of Dreams 4) In the Mood For Love and 5) Murder By Death. Obviously, WAY off.
Murder by Death would be in a favorite comedies list.
Field of Dreams is in can't watch without crying list. Oh Archie Graham. (((Madge on Maury holding back tears face))))
Broadcast News - as I get older I find those characters less likeable.
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