Friday, October 5, 2012

Great ideas I’ve had this week

“You should come up with a multiphase plan to woo Pilar.”
“Instead of writing her a check, I think I’ll just give her a $100
bill. Everyone loves having a hunsky.”
“I’d like Indian food for dinner. And a cocktail.”
“I should go back in time to when I was a kid and become good at
volleyball and then become a beach volleyball player and then now be
retiring from the Olympic team. This plan seems more likely than me
ever getting a new job.”
“I need a mnemonic device to remember which Olsen twin it is that I like.”
“Let’s open a hidden ladies’ lounge called Powder Room.”
“I should update my blog.”


Boxcar said...

powder room = genius.

Devs said...

Thank you. I was pretty proud of it.