Friday, May 31, 2013

Salted Caramel Challenge

Some of my coworkers and I have become a bit obsessed with salted caramel ice cream. It's really hard to get the right balance of salty and sweet (and burnt, if you like that, which apparently [spoiler alert] not everyone does). So we decided to have a little taste test today. Of course I made a spreadsheet.

1. Talenti Sea Salt Caramel Gelato

2. Beth Marie's Salty Dog


1. I Scooped (I knew too much for it to be a blind taste test myself, so I volunteered).

2. I said, "It's happening, people. Into the conference room. Bring water and a pen."

3. I handed out the score sheets.

4. Much to my chagrin, Tommy videoed the whole thing.

5. We tasted. We mmmmmed. We wrote.

6. We discussed our opinions, and we had a winner.

THE RESULTS (and I finally get around to an actual list)

  1. Talenti
  2. Jeni's
  3. Beth Marie's

You can see that my fave did not win, but we all kind of liked all of them anyway. Actually, Tommy said Jeni's was his favorite, too, but he voted Talenti as #1 because he thought it had the most salty + caramely flavor. Boo.


BEM1212 said...

This is impressive.

Do your people know that you posted their comments in a public forum? I guess I'm one to talk I've been posting all those dumb comments on movies.

Anyway, I want to try these ice creams. And also have a similar competition with other things. No idea what.

Julie said...

Yes, I told them ahead of time and sent them a link. Jeni's is SOOO good and is sold at Royal Blue, so you can have a muffuletta and ice cream next time you are in town. I checked--it does not seem to be sold in Houston.

We talked about wine, chocolate (I told them to do that while I was on vacay), cheese, etc.