Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Facebook Status Updates

I see there is a post in "draft" titled "Boring Facebook Wall Posts." This reminded me of the day following the election where all of my redneck East Texas friends chose to voice their opinions through their Facebook status.


-is planning his move to Costa Rica!

-is convinced that a major mistake has been made with such a tragic victory.

-is hoping all those young bucks who "got out and voted" will pay attention in the next four years. You'll get a lesson in liberal economics.

-is very sad for our country. And I hope everyone prays that God can help us through this.

-what is America Thinking!

-can't believe we found a bigger turd than Clinton.

-is very scared for the next 4 years to come.
---me too hon :(
----we are too. Let's just hope we are all alive to vote again in 4 years.

-can't believe we found the scum of the earth to be leader of the free world, but at least I can say I told you so..

-is still hoping that this is just a nightmare that she'll wake up from....

-is speechless and is def clinging.....

-is thinking that maybe now is a good time to move to the UAE.

-is God help us all....

-is worried about our country...scary times ahead!
---ME too Stacey, just pray!

-is sick to his stomach.. thanks to all of you who participated in this protest election.. also wondering what property values in Mexico look like after this.

-bets Lee Greenwood is not pleased today.

-is thinking that America's screwed. Guess we will have Obama to thank when our country has gone to shit....

-is packing up her family and moving to another country! I sure hope America knows what they are doing!
---i'm ready to go too!! :sigh: we are in for some sad times ahead!
----We are in for some scary times. I hope and pray for our kiddos that we will be safe and we'll be allowed to keep enough of our hard earned money to get them educated.

-loves my money, religion and guns....

-is pro life, guns, the American Flag, and troops in Iraq.

-is hoping America is smart enough to not elect an East African Muslim Terrorist loving, American Hating, Unqualified, Racist as the leader of our country!

-I guess I should go buy a gun today before I'm no longer able to! I hate politics!!
---oh i know..im tired of all this "hope" stuff...when these people get off their obama high and realize what he's really about i'll be there to say "i told you so". america was not meant to be a socialist nation. uhh...talk about frustrating.

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