Monday, February 1, 2010

some things about Feb. 1, 2010

  • I said "rabbit, rabbit, rabbit" this morning. And also at 12:03 a.m., before I went to sleep, in case that's how it works.
  • I prayed this morning, about a few things, including a work-related item and a Derek-related item.
  • I bought a Playstation 3 last night and hooked it up in the wee hours of Feb. 1, 2010. Let me tell you, the PS3 is quite possibly the best thing ever.
  • If I were anything other than American, I would have been real excited to write the date over and over again on this Palindrome Day: 01022010.
  • I ran a full 1.5 miles tonight. This is the farthest I have run without a walk-break since sometime in 2008. I walked the 1.5 miles back.
  • My mother broke my heart today, in a good way - in the way only a mother can do. And I realized yet another reason it is probably a good thing that I am not likely to have children. I don't think I could bear the magnitude of the love a parent must feel for his or her child. I would sink under the weight of it.
  • Re: the work-related item I prayed about -- a meeting I have been dreading on a project that has gone off the rails. The meeting went well and I think I got things straightened out. It was good to feel (for the first time in a long time) like I am good at my job. And to appreciate that being good at my job is a blessing.
  • Re: the Derek-related thing I prayed about -- I don't like to spoil or jinx things but there were positive developments for which I am grateful. And optimistic.
  • I bought Suttree today. I am ashamed to admit here that I've never read it. But so excited about it.
  • I also bought some Bath and Body Works hand soap today, in the flavor of Sea Island Cotton. I have wanted this soap for over a year, but you know?, I never find myself in (or near) a Bath and Body Works. But what a day is 01022010!!
  • Tomorrow morning they will announce Oscar nominations. That means tonight is the one night a year I can stay up as long as I want and know that I will wake up early no matter what!
  • Here are ten things that I think about tomorrow morning:
  1. The Hurt Locker should get nominated for Picture, Director, Editing, Cinematography, Actor, Supporting Actor, Screenplay, both Sounds. I'd be cool with Art Direction and Costume Design, too, but that seems like a stretch.
  2. As boring a choice as this seems to me, Marion Cotillard really should get nominated for Nine. Or it wouldn't kill me if she got nominated for Public Enemies.
  3. Jeff Bridges. Hooray.
  4. I really hope Avatar does not get a screenplay nomination.
  5. If Sam Rockwell or Viggo Mortensen get nominated I will take the day off of work.
  6. Alright, I get it that my love of Moon is subjective. However, that score should get nominated and, honestly, should win. It won't. Buy the soundtrack.
  7. If Sally Menke does not get nominated for editing Inglourious Basterds I am going to beat a German with a bat.
  8. Only the Oscars could make me root against Sandra Bullock and Stanley Tucci.
  9. I think I would marry Vera Farmiga.
  10. Not to harp on this Avatar/Hurt Locker business too much, but it honestly is almost exactly how I felt about Titanic/L.A. Confidential 12 years ago. Who here remembers those tirades?
  • Hey everybody, today is LOST Eve!
  • I filed my tax return today. I love refunds. I can't wait til next year!
  • While I have been typing this, I am watching Raising Arizona. It makes for a good end to the day.
  • Speaking of Oscars, they really should create an award for Scene Stealer (or Bit Part, or Cameo) in honor of Frances McDormand in this movie. They could even call it the Dot Award. She is absolutely amazing.
  • I think Ed McDunnough knows what I'm talking about re: parent/child. "I LOVE HIM SO-HO MU-HUCH...." But not more than Viggo in The Road.
  • Happy February, gang.


Boxcar said...

That was definitely top 3 List Anythings of all time. And good predicting!

Julie said...

I tried to comment earlier, but it was too much. So now I will just say that against my better judgment, I am tivoing Lost right now. I quit watching about 3 episodes in to season 2, but now that I know it's ending (which I just learned), I feel like I want to be in on this again. If only because of some residual JJ Abrams loyalty. I dunno, though, that's a LOT of cheese. Also wanted to ask you two if you think I would enjoy Hurt Locker or Inglourious Basterds either one. Also, nice.

Boxcar said...

Where to begin with your ingenious comment...first of all -- don't bother with Lost. It's just not a show you can watch the "catch-up episode" and be in the loop. Some day you will (if I have to put a gun to your head) catch up from season 2 and that's all that matters (*and just to clarify -- whatever "ending" you learned is false). Okay, I LOVE you for referencing MOTHER. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE. And only P. Jenks has any idea what I'm talking about. Also, watch Hurt Basterds. You will enjoy both. Even if you weren't Julie. But the fact that are just means you'll enjoy them all-the-more.

Julie said...

Well, I have to give Mother credit to P Jenks. He owns all the bril right now (he said it recently, but I can't remember just where).
So by ending I just meant that this is the final season. Is that wrong? I don't know any of the storyline. And I didn't TiVo the catchup episode. I thought I might try to actually catch up since it's all on netflix streaming. I think. So the idea is that I'll have the new episodes tivoed IF I can make it through the rest. Are there at least 1-2 interesting characters maybe?

Boxcar said...

No, you are right about this being the final season...and if you can, somehow, manage to catch up by NOT missing a single episode, then kudos. Personally, I think there are, at bare minimum, 12 interesting characters. But what do I know.

Julie said...

They must have been introduced after I stopped watching because...
Actually, I can think of one.

Boxcar said...

You could think of many many...but, then again, you haven't watched LOST since season one. Hmmm...btw, I miss you terribly.

BEM1212 said...

Thanks guys. It was a good day. This health kick really makes me feel better about everything.

Except for Season 2 of Lost. I don't blame you for stopping. Maybe you should read some recaps and then try to watch Season 3. Although I think I watched Season 3 on fastforward. Season 4 though!

I will give you this: During those shitty seasons the only interesting character was Desmond and sometimes Libby. However, JOn is right that now there are probably 12 or so. It is so completely different now and so much better. You might still hate it though.