Wednesday, February 17, 2010

What I Could Learn in Cleveland, Ohio

I'm on some kind of conference email list. The theme is "The Experience Economy," and I beg you to explain to me what this means.
  • Monday - Envisioning experiences via the Progression of Economic Value and ing-ing the thing
  • Tuesday - Hitting the Sweet Spot (4E's) and THEME-ing
  • Wednesday - Customizing experiences by eliminating Customer Sacrifice (3S's) and Four Types of Mass Customization
  • Thursday - Directing employees to act via business stagecraft (Work Is Theatre)
  • Friday - Going beyond Experiences via Transformations.
At the end you get some kind of certification.
It is not led by Michael Scott.


BEM1212 said...

I'm a little confused because I always use "ing-ing the thing" and "hitting the sweet spot" interchangeably. Why are these on two different days?!

Everything else sounds rad.

Julie said...

I am literally laughing out loud. I can't wait to hear you use that in a sentence. Still LOLing.
(weird because that was autocorrected to polling but I'm not ready to respond to that yet).

BEM1212 said...

Man, I love this list.

Julie said...

I think we should all try to achieve each of these things on the appointed days. So, everyone, tomorrow it's "Going beyond Experiences via Transformations."

First off, I can't imagine that it matters that we haven't worked up to it by first ing-inging the thing, etc. Second, let's ponder the message behind which words are capitalized and which are not. Third, by "everyone" I apparently mean Blaine and me.

Julie said...

OMG it costs $13,750!!

BEM1212 said...

That's a lot of money. I like your homemade version better.

So when do I get to ing-ing the thing??? JK.

So tomorrow, Friday, is Going beyond Experiences via Transformations, eh? I will get back to you.

BEM1212 said...

On Friday, I Go'ed beyond Experiences via Transformations by trying to flirt with one of the McCord* girls at the auction. I transformed myself into a person much younger, bolder, and (hopefully) lamer than myself while I "checked her out" at the auction. I also acted a little kinky by making jokes about her brother. I think she was a little intrigued (drunk) but ultimately just bored by the whole thing. Still it was Going beyond my own Experiences via Transformations. And it was kind of interesting to see how easily words that are not really your own can come out of your mouth. Thank goodness for TV!

* the rich family that buys everything at these auctions

BEM1212 said...

Monday -- Envisioning experiences via the Progression of Economic Value and ing-ing the thing

Today I was Envisioning experiences via the Progression of Economic Value by imagining my transcendental journey to the Marfa lights (i.e., planned a trip) via the Progression of Economic Value (meaning I planned it based on the price of the hotels one weekend. And the train ride I will take to get there which saves money as you progress..... because in a car progression means cost (e.g., gas) whereas with a train it is paid up-front so with every mile you gain value). Make sense?


I didn't do it, but Virtue & Moir totally totally ing-ing'd the thing.

BEM1212 said...

OK,'s Tuesday, which means it is time to be Hitting the Sweet Spot and THEME-ing, and I simply can not do it auhauhlllone! See what I did there?