Monday, March 9, 2009

Movies I've walked out of (at the theater)

I was trying to think of movies I've seen the opposite of the most times and the closest thing I could come up with was movies I've walked out of. Somehow this list is much shorter than I imagined it would be...

In order of walking out:

Soul Man
Milo and Otis
Bringing Out the Dead
The Pursuit of Happyness


BEM1212 said...

Such an eclectic list!

And I would add justified, though I have not seen #2 or #5 and never will. Happyness???

BEM1212 said...

Also, I think that Jon should post a list of movies he walked out. It will be a long list I think.

Julie said...

I don't think I have ever walked out of a movie. Have I, people with whom I've seen most of the movies in my life??

BEM1212 said...

You have never walked out of a movie with me. I don't think I have walked out of a movie before. Though I remember the following things:

#1. Wanting very badly to walk out of *Solar Crisis* and *Rachel Getting Married* and *Dan in Real Life* but it is not in my blood to do so.

#2. Falling asleep in the Longview Cinema during *Father of the Bride* starring Steve Martin.

#3. Not paying attention to *Platoon* at the Marshall Twin Cinema because I was
(a) 14
(b) grossed out by babies' heads being smashed by guns
(c) too busy walking up and down the aisles with Susan Pedison to see what Greg Wyman was up to. Were you there too Julie?

Julie said...

No, I was not allowed to go to 1) the late show; 2) R movies at all.

BEM1212 said...

Well.... based on what I saw Greg Wyman was up to during *Platoon* it is a good thing you weren't. You were raised right!

BEM1212 said...

I also just remembered that I kind of wanted to leave and go get a beer during *He Got Game*.

Devs said...

I think we ALL wanted to leave and get a beer during He Got Game.