Sunday, May 3, 2009

A Few Things You Don't Know About Me

1. I've seen every movie Kate Bosworth has been in...and liked 'em all (particularly Rules of Attraction...hmmm).

2. I won my dorm award for "The Student Who Has Changed the Least Since Childhood." I was mortified to see a picture of me as a toddler in my dorm hall Freshman year. Apparently the RA's got parents to send in pics of their cherished ones, and, well, my Mom has always been a joiner. I'm not sure which award was more humiliating - this one, or one I received when working at Blockbuster for being "Perky." Yep, that's the one.

3. I swear...a lot. Should you ask them, most people who have spent any time with me will say that I never swear. And I don't...when I'm with people. When I'm on my own it's a different matter. If I'm alone and I drop something, or forget something, or get frustrated with the computer the air turns blue and I'm cursing like…what swears a lot? A navvy? A trooper? Al Swearingen?.

It's not a conscious decision to switch this language off when in company. I never think "ooh, I'm really vexed, but I musn't say fuck". It simply doesn't happen and I very, very rarely feel the need for it. Years of some kind of trying to be a good boy have conditioned me to be polite, which has its advantages. On the few occasions that I do swear it has much effect.

4. I find extreme atheists and religious fundamentalists equally irrational. Having no degree of agnosticism whatsoever, and placing absolute faith in the existence/non-existence of any deity is, in my opinion, illogical.

5. I dislike any form of synchronous communication, primarily because it leaves almost no time to think of about my response. I can only just bear forms of communication like Sametime and BBM which are only just synchronous, and as most people who've ever spoken to me on either will know, it is not unheard of me taking five minutes to reply.

6. Everything you think you know is wrong. All the world's a stage/And all the men and women are merely players. Very little of how I appear externally is how I am internally. Only one or two people really know me.

7. I cried (borderline weeeeppppeeeedddd) during the West Wing series finale. In related news, "Tomorrow" is my favorite word.


Boxcar said...

Ah, a fellow Blockbustian. I should have known! Although I never received or even heard of such an award. I must have been a horrible employee!

Punky said...

They wouldn't hire me at blockbuster.