Sunday, May 24, 2009

Old Lists

I found this on a group writing blog that Alana started many years ago. It is from January 2003, and most of it is still true. Except the pants. They're making pants much longer these days.

Things I Do That Annoy Me To No End
1. Wear pants that are too short because I only have one pair that is long enough and I wore those yesterday.
2. Wear boots with said pants to further accentuate the flooding.
3. Search for extracurricular things to keep me busy at work when my job actually provides me with more than I could ever do AND is semi-interesting most days.
4. Not write debit card transactions in my check register. [actually, I don't care at all about this anymore]
5. Avoid reading mail.
6. Forget things.
7. Unknowingly hurt others' feelings.
8. Give in to requests to clog in public.
9. Bite my fingernails.
10. Oversleep every day.

Things I Do That Annoy Others But Too Bad For Them
1. Respond to clothes compliments by announcing what superbargains they were (not my most thrilling shopping victory, but my long-enough pants only cost twelve dollars).
2. Crunch ice. [I wish I still did this, but I can't]
3. Give way too much background for stories and really believe that it's required for context.

Things Others Do That Annoy Me

1. Call the office when the receptionist is away from her desk.
2. Underestimate me.
3. Lie.
4. Tell me that even if we were both lesbians, I would not be dateable. [I have no idea, but I'm pretty sure the source is Alana]

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