Monday, December 21, 2009

PJenks' New Year's Resolutions

  1. Lose weight. I'm taking a phased approach. Ultimate goal: 30 pounds. May only make it to 10, and may stop at 20, if I look healthy and distinguished.
  2. Run (or....walk) an hour a day.
  3. Wake up in the mornings, get to work on time, focus while I'm there, and leave at a decent hour.
  4. Be a prick to the staff at work, but hang out with them after hours and confuse them with my varying personalities. And force them to learn things.
  5. Go to a movie once a week. Get with this whole Netflix program.
  6. Read a book a week.
  7. Find a church.
  8. Volunteer somewhere.
  9. Buy new clothes, and take some pride in my wardrobe/appearance beyond my haircut.
  10. Blow dry my hair 2 or 3 days a week. Want to see how people respond.
  11. Stop caring what people think.
  12. Tweet.


Questionable Taste said...

Made my day with #4. You do well with this approach. I just hope I'm around the sidelines to observe the brilliant social experiment.

Punky said...

I wish I was around for #10.

Boxcar said...

I think if you can accomplish #2, it will make #1 and #3 easier.
Also I think you have 2 too many. So please delete #12 and #8.

BEM1212 said...

The ship has sailed on #12!

BEM1212 said...

And #10. btw.

*Thank you, recent trip to hotel in Atlanta where I was bored and contemplating how fat and ugly I am when I noticed a life changing device nestled in the corner of the bathroom.

Boxcar said...

Noooooooooooooooo! That's going to dry out your hair!!! Not that I care.

BEM1212 said...

whoa, will it? glad i only bought the 9.95 model.

I actually already remedied the need for a hair dryer anyway by getting a hair cut that is reasonable instead of saying, I'll grow it out and see how it looks. But it's still funny to be a person who MIGHT use a hair dryer.

also, I am a top 12 kind of guy. it's my signature number. so it's ok.

KNH said...

re #10 - you will be shocked to know that one of the things my brother (michael) told me he wanted for Christmas was a NEW hairdryer.

BEM1212 said...

You can have the one I bought over the weekend, that I no longer need since I got a haircut, and give that to him for a Christmas present, unless he figures out a better way...

hint: he might just need a haircut.