Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Reasons Why I Am Fasting This Week

posted on behalf of Lacy

(Also known as "Just Some of the Things I ate in New Orleans Last Week, Not Even Counting the Things I Ate During Two Thanksgivings, a Birthday Party or LSU Tailgate")

- Alligator, sausage, shrimp cheesecake topped with hollandaise sauce
- Veal cheek with mushrooms and gnocchi
- Fried grouper topped with crawfish etouffe
- Pork cheek
- Cochon de lait
- Fried alligator
- Pork ribs
- Boudin balls
- Regular boudin
- Cracklins
- Braised boar
- Fried sweetbreads
- Beignets
- More Old Fashioneds than I can count (did you know that a true Old Fashioned is NOT served with ice?)
- Fried tilapia
- Fried shrimp
- Fried okra
- Chargrilled oysters covered in butter, parmesan and bread crumbs
- Turtle soup
- Gumbo more times than I can count with more "exotic" meats than I care to mention


Julie said...

And only 4 pounds? That's not bad...

dennisj said...

I have a tear down my cheek and drool down my chin. That list is glorious.

Julie said...

Donaldsonville, meet Gonzales. Rhymes with Palace.