Friday, December 25, 2009

What I Got For Christmas (in order of preference)

  1. Inglorious Basterds (blu ray)
  2. Maker's Mark whiskey
  3. Headphones
  4. iTunes gift card (just bought my old roommates album)
  5. Books, books, books
  6. Pajama bottoms
  7. Electric razor
  8. 12-in-1 board game
  9. Clothes
***and at 5:00 pm I will play with #1 and #2.


BEM1212 said...

Sounds like a good take, and also a good 5pm.

I have a present for you but it has not been mailed yet. It will be a New Year's present.

Merry Christmas!

BEM1212 said...

I bought Inglorious Basterds on Blu-ray on Monday. I am still beaming blu-rays. Glorious.

WTF is a 12-in-1 board game and I would probably like to play it.