Sunday, April 14, 2013

30 days of list anything

I have hit a wall.  It's not something I'm used to.  And, by the way, it's not "writer's block", I've never had that and I don't believe it exists.  No, this is just merely I haven't written anything since Bar Olympics. So, I decided in order to get myself back into writing mode I am going to post a blog every day for the next 30 days.  Now that I got that out of the way, consider this my intro:
  • I had a long week of work
  • I came home and had a few drinks
  • Midnight Run was on cable
  • I started thinking about my list anything list of Action Comedies...
  • That led me to thinking about writing again
  • That led me to thinking about this blog
  • That led me to thinking about how I wish I posted more often
  • And here we go...


BEM1212 said...

Yay! Your first list was...a doozy!

I think this should have also been tagged *list challenge*. Anyone?

Julie said...

I love the idea of a list challenge because I wish we all wrote more. I might be able to commit to once a week?

Boxcar said...

Apparently I can only do two days. And it's not that I don't have time, I just have nothing to say.

Julie said...

I think the key is to make a note on your phone or wherever whenever you have a list idea. Then write it when you have time. I have a few half-baked lists right now. I should probably work on some since I did not even meet my modest goal of one per week. I have been a solid commenter though. You can't say that I'm not.