Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The Worst Parts About Today's Training

  1. It was media training.
  2. Which involved mock on-camera interviews.
  3. In high def.
  4. In front of my coworkers and board members.
  5. Though my eyes looked superblue, my lips were flesh colored, and oh-em-gee do my eyes always blink one at a time/twitch like that?
  6. I said, "Bleah" and went for a do-over.
  7. Which was the only time I smiled.
  8. Immediate post-interview critiques!
  9. While watching/pausing the playback.
  10. My deodorant was not up for the challenge.


BEM1212 said...

You need an antiperspirant for that shit, not deodorant!

How terrible. I had to do that once, and I basically just stood in front of the camera and noodlely waved my arms and said "I can't do this." It was horrifying.

"Bleah"- haha, can hear it now!

This list - another reason this blog exists!!

dlm said...

This sounds like my worst nightmare.

Boxcar said...

No. Just no. I would have faked an illness.

Julie said...

Y'all. It was truly horrible. I still get antsy thinking about it, and I just saw that our DVD has been delivered to my coworker.