Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Dances To Learn

1. Hoedown Throwdown

2. Skin the Duck

Dances we know, according to this brilliant post:
1. The Electric Slide
2. The Macarena
3. The Twist
4. The Bunny Hop


BEM1212 said...

um, what about the rich man's frug?

oh right we already know it.

da dun da dun da dun da dunnn
da da da dun da dun da dun da dunnn
da da da dun da dun da dun da dunnn
da da da dun dun dun dunnnn


Julie said...

I should have added that Single Ladies one, but I was just so happy that someone finally posted Skin the Duck on the youtube.
(I accidentally typed an *i* instead of a *u* in duck)

Devs said...

"with a banana!"

BEM1212 said...

The other night, in a bar in Austin, I did the Rich Man's Frug. I think Austen talked me into it. I wasn't even embarrassed.