Sunday, May 31, 2009

Film Experience Rorschach (a.k.a. How I spent the past 3 days...)

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button - flat
The Reader - boobs...I mean, heavy...wait no, hard...yiiikkeees, I'm just gunna stop
Bride Wars - charming (I love you Annie!)
Quantum of Solace - rowdy
Body of Lies - misjudged
Role Models - dud
Milk - commanding
Nobel Son - ... literally have nothing to
Studio 60 on the Sunest Strip (Disc 1) - yearning


Boxcar said... Nobel that good or that bad?

Questionable Taste said...

bad...REAL bad

BEM1212 said...

I have (in all honesty) watched Role Models 6 times since I first saw it on May 10th. You must have been in a really bad mood when you watched it.

I am actually somewhat obsessed with how awesome it is (I believe there are participants of this blog that will tell you how annoying I have been about it lately.) Maybe you should give it another shot.

Right after I watched it, I almost made a list about it, but I was worried it would ruin the movie for everyone else.

Agreed on Button (sorry Jon), and Milk. Shocked by Bride Wars (but I will never ever ever see it so I am really not arguing.)

Boxcar said...

I also thought Role Models was hilarious. And, believe it or not Blaine, I thought Buttons was pretty lame. Looked good but probably Fincher's second worst movie.

Questionable Taste said...

I will give it a second chance...I've never really liked Paul Rudd (though his are the most raucous moments of the film), and Sean William Scott is an actor, and a fetus.

BEM1212 said...

Blaine: (raising hand)
Ron: Yes, Blaine.
Blaine: What the fuck are you talking about?

[If I could deliver that line as well as Seann William Scott could I would then point out to you how awesome he is.]

Boxcar said...

I'm a bit shocked that you never liked Paul Rudd. Perhaps you had a bad introduction to his body of work? You know he's responsible for 1/6th of everything good about comedy over the past 8 years, right? Also, while I laughed and laughed about your SWS fetus joke, I love him. I don't want to have a drink with him and I'm sure he's a douche in real life, but maybe you need to sit down and watch The Rundown a few times?