Wednesday, May 20, 2009

reasons why i heart gossip girl

i am way too old to like this show as much as i do, but i can't help it

  1. blair
  2. chuck
  3. blair and chuck
  4. television without pity recaps - jacob rules
  5. Quick resolution - problems/relationships/anything rarely lasts more than 3 episodes - it is the most instant gratification show ever
  6. it is so unrealistic that it might actually be real
  7. the insane fashion - teenage boys in suits and girls that never wear jeans



Julie said...

I love all those things too, and I am MUCH older than you are. I am a huge Jacob fan and semi-stalked him at Whole Foods one day until I realized that I don't actually *know* him--then I turned bright red and walked the other way.

Julie said...

That is, I thought I recognized him and was trying to figure out how I knew him, and then I realized that I didn't.

BEM1212 said...

Here are my reasons (which are pretty similar to yours):

*That time Blair gave Dan that look while getting Serena into a cab on Thanksgiving
*Chuck's clothes
*Blair & Chuck
*That time Eric said "Jenny Cake" right before Jenny's 16th birthday
*Eric & Lily
*that whole 3-episode resolution thing. I love it.

My hope for the new season: Carter somehow kills Serena in some other country. Dan is so depressed he kills himself. Georgina takes Serena's place.

BEM1212 said...

Also, remember that time I made that list about things I stole from people? I should have added "Jacob from TWOP" to the list of things I stole from Julie.

So Karen, you owe Julie for that one.

Questionable Taste said...

1. Chuck
2. Chuck
3. Chuck
4. The city of New York
5. Blair
6. Blair
7. Blair
8. Chuck & Blair
9. Chuck & Blair
10. Chuck & Blair

KNH said...

yes, thank you julie for jacob.

oh also i love how now everyone is related to each other through lily's husbands except nate and blair.

and the evil music they always play when georgina is up to no good

Questionable Taste said...

oh...and bonus points to Mr. Westwick for line delivery: "why should i be chosen to be an usher...? .............. i'm chuck bass."

I'm completely gay for this show.