Saturday, December 26, 2009

what i got for christmas (in order of receipt)

  • from my parents - money
  • from my grandparents (dad's side)- money
  • from my grandpa (mom's side) - money
  • from my sister - spa gift certificate, bracelet, and room diffuser
  • from my brother - pajamas that have been orderded but have not arrived (he showed me a picture online)
  • from my other brother - an undisclosed gift that has been orderded online but has not arrived


Boxcar said...

What's the deal with all this money goin' around? That's the ONLY thing I really needed!!! Although, an undisclosed gift is a close second.

KNH said...

money is very nice to receive, but makes for an uneventful christmas when my mom walks around the room and hands out checks...i guess we are really green these days - no wrapping paper to clean up

BEM1212 said...

Ha, I got a print out of the online catalog picture of a jacket I wanted, with a handwritten note on it that they couldn't find that but would get me "something comparable."

Then they said we should go shopping together to find the comparable jacket. So basically, for Christmas a 37 year-old single man got a shopping spree with his parents, in Tyler. Nah, but thanks!

Most disappointing thing about Christmas? I did not receive a DVD of "A River Runs Through It." They've given me one like 4 years in a row.

KNH said...

may i recomend - it searches everywebsite for specific items and gives you links to sites and what sizes they have left.

an online shopping spree at home seems less embarassing. says the 31 year old single girl who spent the entire afternoon on a christmas ornament/decoration shopping spree with her parents. my poor dad.