Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Overheard at the Family Reunion

My tractor weighs 1668 pounds without any oil or diesel in it.

There were fruitcakes, Kotex, and TVs all up and down those railroad tracks. It was just before Christmas you know.

I mean, it is a championship rabbit.

Oh yeah...she twirled all through high school and college. She went to Tech on a twirling scholarship.

And when they went in to take out my gallbladder, they found out my kidney was the size of a newborn baby's fist.


Boxcar said...

There is NO WAY that is true. You made up all of that!!! Why am I not invited to your family reunions? And don't say I have been cuz I know I haven't.

BEM1212 said...

wonderful. can we get a run-down of who-said-what?

Julie said...

True. But I feel weird enough posting this. Names would be over the line. However, I'm pretty sure there will be more to come.

BEM1212 said...

Fair enough. I appreciate your family loyalty. I will look forward to the full story in person. Fantastic list though.