Thursday, June 11, 2009

some movie moms I want to hug

  1. Dolores Claiborne
  2. Carrie Watts
  3. Sara Goldfarb
  4. Selma Jezkova
  5. Chantelle Who's-got-no-time-for-fresh-talkin'-Louisiana-cowboys
  6. Beatrice Henderson


Boxcar said...

1. Creepy
2. Yes
3. No hugs. Put her down.
4. Awwwwww
5. Hug and marry.
6. Just listen. I need to watch that movie tonight!

BEM1212 said...

I have to say, I made my own day by posting that link to Mother. I have been laughing in my office all day.

I was going to go with the more obvious kitchen scene, but I am really glad I went found the grocery store. She is especially hug-worthy in this. "Isn't that so funny?" We need to make a list of the great lines from that movie.

Also, can we add watching Mother to your list? (all of which I am also very excited about. Harry Potter -- squee!!)

And, FTR, Dolores Claiborne breaks my heart into tiny little pieces. Be nice.