Tuesday, July 7, 2009

9 Favorite dereklm Tweets...so far...

9. "...going to eat mexican food in memory of the fake death of Jeff Goldblum" - no better reason to eat Mexican food...except maybe being in Mexico.

8. "Jenny Lewis = good, Houston crowd = as awful as you could possibly imagine, Jenny Lewis encore" = surprisingly awesome - makes you feel like you were there...plus I have a hard on for Jenny Lewis, so whatever.

7. "http://twitpic.com/80tol - My big catch" -- ohhhh the irony!

6. "bought tickets to Free Press Summer Fest. Houston's acting like an actual city! http://bit.ly/PWFms" - clicking the link and seeing the name "Explosions in the Sky" caused a near heart attack for yours truly.

5. "was going to a movie but Candice fell asleep, shocking. Now watching this abortion of a college baseball game. Come on Virginia" - Love the wordplay, and the back handed comment about one's girlfriend...well played.

4. "is in Marshall. Just saw a girl in a bikini and boots washing motorcycles on the side of the highway. Next task: take picture" - While the aforementioned snap never came, I'm beginning to think that Marshall is Narnia or something.

3. "KNOCK THAT TAX MONKEY OFF YO BACK!! http://bit.ly/PHzR" - No words.

2. "is twittering via text message after being inspired by the Iranians. I want to be ready in case of emergency." - Where it all started. Birth of a nation.

1. "woke up today, no truck outside. Apparently HPD towed it as an abandoned vehicle even though I drive it to work every day." Awesome. - Exactly what Twitter is all about...well that, self-promotion, and celebrity stalking.


Boxcar said...

Perfect except I would switch 5 and 2. Also, do I get these automatically on facebook? It seems like I've read them all even though I am not on Tweeter or whatever the hell it's called. Also, should I be?

BEM1212 said...

QT - did you know that derek is a famous tweeter?
