Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Real Facebook Status Updates: True or False?

***'s singn--I gOt ☼sUnShiiiNe☼ , On a cLoUdY daAaaY~! *Lovn the many special and terrific peeps I share this so called life with.."bLeSsEd"..* (oFf 2GeT pRoDuCtIvE!)

*** can’t believe how focused she is at work if she starts her day with a little 5 am 3 mile run, a sit-down, nutritious breakfast with her family, and a some reading time with my little boy. He agrees that the second Harry Potter is the weakest in the series.

*** is 21 weeks pregnant with a healthy 12 ounce baby boy! I have gained 2 pounds which means I still weigh 3 pounds less then when I got pregnant. I think it is all in the boobs and belly. Yipee! Will post his newest mugshot tonight!

*** made her own cheese this morning. I know! But *** likes it better than the store bought stuff ;) I just can’t refuse him when he says, ‘Mama make cheese today?’

*** 's ExCiTED aBoUt tHe sHoRt wEeK/ loOoOnG wK'EnD~! CaNt wAIt tO lOuNgE / hAnG w/ FrIeNdS n FaM "cOoOkOT wHo'S iN?? "gRiLz!*

*** remembered to prepare and pack my macrobiotic lunch today, but forgot to bring beet salad I was hoping to have for a 3 pm snack. What was I thinking??? I’ll have to head to kindermusik on an empty stomach.


BEM1212 said...

These are all unreal but if #2 is actually someone's update I am going to have to recommend an "unfriend" immediately. Who says that?!

I have many more comments but I will leave it to others, or for a conversation.


Katie said...

At least half of them are real!

BEM1212 said...

OK, I am guessing then.


Katie said...

You are very very close. Only one wrong.

BEM1212 said...

This is one of those games I always thought I would suck on in The Price Is Right. Where you do a good job on your first guess, but not perfect, and then they tell you one is wrong and then you go and F it all up by changing all your answers. So I will accept my B.

Someone else guess.

Katie said...

I was totally thinking of Price is Right when I wrote that!

Julie said...

I thought Price Is Right when I thought about trying to correct Blaine's one error. It doesn't matter at all, as I am horrible at guessing how awful people can be (I always hope for the best but assume the worst. that doesn't make sense).

BEM1212 said...

OK Bob Barker, I think it's time for the big reveal, and then we can move on to me praising you for coming up with such brilliant and atrocious "updates" for this list.

Katie said...

Sorry for taking so long! You got #4 wrong - it is false.

BEM1212 said...


This is a comment on a person's Facebook Wall (REDACTED):

"FRIEND NAME: Well-My life is spectacular. God has blessed me with four beautiful boys and a beautiful wife. We live in CITY-A on the Northshore of LAKE. My 12 year old, SON#1, unfortunately lives with his mom in CITY-B, but SON#2, SON#3, SON#4, WIFE, and I remain a strong family with Christian values, and try to live every day to the fullest. SON#2 started kindegarten recently and remains excited about riding the bus (??). Seriously, my three oldest boys seem to have inherited strong capacities to learn and are very bright. SON#1 is in CITY-B Middle Magnet and wants to be a scientist. SON#2 and SON#3 want to play baseball and football for MAJOR-UNIVERSITY.....I am good with that, as they both exhibit great hand/eye coordination, as evidenced both in the backyard and on the Wii (I cannot win). My wife has been at thome for a few years raising babies, but will begin teaching school next year. Anyway, what is going on with you?"

True or False?