Thursday, July 30, 2009

Found Lists

There are lots of lists out there on the world wide web and luckily, I spend way too much time on the internet. I am also intrigued by the idea of making a list of lists. So here are the best lists I have seen in the last week:

And here is the worst list I have seen this week:


BEM1212 said...

Funny, I was trying to figure out a way to announce that I had found this terrible list earlier this week. And you give me a chance to do it. Here is my least favorite list, from this week:

I mean, I guess she has valid points, but why anyone would spend the time to write about the most obvious choices possible is beyond me. You don't have to convince anyone of this, lady.

My favorite part: "SPOILER ALERT!" Please.

Boxcar said...

Dude, really? Have we been missing out on some really good burgers or are they just stupid?

BEM1212 said...

what a crock of shit:

Boxcar said...

That's a horrible list but really, nobody should make that list. Or even attempt it. Though I'd like to see yours, Blaine.

BEM1212 said...

This list should somewhat please both DJ and Jon.