Sunday, July 12, 2009

Reasons Why I Hate You

Blaine - You are coming up to visit me on Saturday and haven't written or called to touch base. Sometimes I wonder why we are even friends.

Derek - You ruined movies for sale. You don't care enough like Blaine to even pretend to come visit.

Austen - I told you to come visit with Blaine and Julie and you, apparently, chose to pretend that email exchange never took place.

Michael - You are more popular dead than alive.


Julie said...

Blaine was probably wondering why he hadn't heard from you. Like I was. And I hate Austen for a similar reason.
So glad I didn't make this list btw, since the reasons why you love me were sort of equal on the love-hate balance anyway.

Boxcar said...

Well, Julie, since you brought it up, I had actually written Blaine AT LEAST 2 emails and he never responded. So he probably wasn't wondering why he hadn't heard from me. He was probably too busy with his real friends like Neme. And yours was an abridged version of why I love you which is why it appeared that way. I'll tell you in person on Thursday why I love you. There's no way to write that sentence without it sounding dirty.

BEM1212 said...


i put up 2 new movies, redeeming me a little bit & possibly even partially Derek.

Boxcar said...

You can't redeem Derek. He needs to do that for himself. But yes, you are totally redeemed.