Wednesday, January 13, 2010

DIR: 2000 + Intro

Okay, so once I got hooked I couldn't stop. I decided to do a top ten for each year according to how I feel NOW, since I'm sure when I first saw each of these movies, I thought they were the best movie EVER. Whatevs.

  1. Unbreakable
  2. Snatch
  3. You Can Count on Me
  4. In the Mood for Love
  5. Memento
  6. State and Main
  7. X-Men
  8. Battle Royale
  9. Charlie's Angels
  10. All the Pretty Horses
*Proof of Life
*Amores Perros
*Sexy Beast
*Nine Queens


BEM1212 said...

--Top 10--
State and Main
Dancer in the Dark
Requiem for a Dream
Erin Brockovich
You Can Count on Me
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
Best in Show
Girl on the Bridge
The House of Mirth
Wonder Boys

--Guilty Pleasure--
The Legend of Drunken Master
Ready to Rumble
Shanghai Noon
Vertical Limit
Final Destination

Questionable Taste said...

Top 10
American Pyscho
Requiem for a Dream
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
Nurse Betty
Before Night Falls
The Virgin Suicides*
Bring It On*
The Contender
Meet the Parents

* Despite the obvious crush, these are actually both Top 10 worthy

What Lies Beneath
Thirteen Days
Wonder Boys
Dr. Seuss' How The Grinch Stole Christmas

Honesty (still haven't seen):
Dancer in the Dark
Beau Travail

Jon said...

I did LOVE Wonder Boys and it would probably have made my list. And Virgin Suicides would have been #2 but according to IMDB it was 1999.
I also liked What Lies Beneath.
Why can't you guys put them in order? It's not like the fate of the world depends on it.

BEM1212 said...

I had Virgin Suicides and Bring It On and X-Men and Traffic and O Brother Where Art Thou in my 15, but I kept it to 10. Also, I remember absolutely loving this movie Beautiful People but I haven't seen it or heard of it since I saw it in the theater so it's hard for me to judge its staying power (which influenced these lists greatly).

ahhhh -- What Lies Beneath.

Mine ARE in order. I just didn't use numbers. All of my Top 10s are in order. (but not the non-top-10 comments).

Julie said...

What are y'all using for reference? I'm sure I could find something, but I guess what I'm asking is - surely you're not doing any of this from memory or your own previously created lists?

Boxcar said...

Well, you know 100% that I'm not doing it from memory. I think I just googled movies and found a box-office list from each movie. Then scrolled down the list (they were quite extensive).