Thursday, January 14, 2010

Websites I Visit Every Morning (In Order)

  1. Yahoo (mail)
  2. Diet Blog
  3. List Anything
  4. Facebook
  5. Match (for Jim - this has given me so much enjoyment over the last few weeks)
  6. Netflix (to see what is being mailed)
  7. Hulu (to see what's in my queue for the day - mostly Daily Show)
I would love to hear some other people's but also the last thing I need is another way to kill time:)


Julie said...

Well, I don't want to be a bad influence with my super-exciting list of websites.

Gmail (work)
Google Calendar
Remember the Milk (to do list)
In Fact Daily (local political newsletter)
Austin American-Statesman
Washington Post
Yahoo mail (personal)
City of Austin
(and technically, this is one website, but not really because it's an RSS reader) Bloglines, which I have divided into work and personal)

Julie said...

Whoops, add 10-20 to the list. And sometimes I check List Anything in the morning on its own, and sometimes I check it in bloglines later in teh day (which Austen makes fun of me for using instead of Google Reader).