Monday, January 18, 2010

Underrated Film de jure: August (2008)

- Indie Wall Street
- Better Death of a Salesman?
- Nicely assured showcase for the lead
- Seriously, this is ideal lead casting
- Given the timeline, refreshingly NOT a 9/11 story
- Hartnett is a true movie-star
- Is it too much to say this is nearly a perfect film?
- I really want to know what Jon and Blaine think*

* - Update your Netflix queue's (if you see fit)


Jon said...

I will check it out today and try to be open-minded!

BEM1212 said...

Is this sarcasm? Seems probable.
But, thoughts:
* I love Rip Torn.
* Although I loved Josh Hartnett in The Faculty, I do not like Josh Hartnett as a grown up - him and his Batman voice are hard for me to watch. Although it was put to good use in The Black Dahlia, esp. coupled with Hilary Swank's voice.
* I H.A.T.E. Robin Tunney. It is unmatched. Not even for Hilary Swank.
* I have enough trouble with Netflix rotation already.
* If this is not sarcasm I will go out on a limb and say that "nearly a perfect film" does seem excessive.
* In summary, it might be good, or good-bad (depending on what's going on here), but it is not my kind of movie.