Working in public accounting means going to the office on Saturday. Seeing what people wear on the weekends - especially men is awesome. I have decided not to name names. For those of you who work at the big accounting firm, you can probably guess who all of these people are
single associate (age 24) - grey Polo (tm) shirt, trendy jeans, flip flops
married associate (age 24) - grey Chaps (tm) polo shirt, cargo jeans, boots
suburban dad trying to make manager (age 40ish)- red flannel plaid shirt (think lumberjack), jeans, brown dress shoes
Director who thinks he is cool (age 32-35) - dark brown cargo shorts, trendy black polo with funny white stiching, white pumas with velcro, yellow abercrombie baseball cap
Director who also thinks he is cool (age 37-39) - charcoal grey wool sweater, trendy jeans, black "going out shoes," black leather jacket (i just saw him leave the office)
Director who does not care if he is cool (age 35ish) - navy nike mock turtleneck golf shirt made of some technologically advanced fabric (think tiger woods) tucked into jeans, brown leather belt, topsiders
Tax Partner (age 45) - red golf shirt with country club logo, tucked into "dad jeans", with shiney brown belt and gold buckle, very new baseball cap from a golf tournament, topsiders
Audit Partner (age 50) - button down shirt fresh from cleaners tucked into dark dark blue "dad jeans," "casual belt," loafers - no socks
p.s. every girl i have seen is wearing a t-shirt and jeans, but in all fairness none of the really terrible dressers are here on saturday bc they work part-time