Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Reasons I Hate Austen

10. He's too cool to contribute to this or any blog
9. He calls me to "chat"
8. He looks better in my jacket than I do
7. He corrects every pronunciation of every word I speak even if it's correct the first time
6. He falls asleep in movies
5. He has a car
4. He finally got a college degree only to work at W.A.Y.A.
3. He can't tell the difference between Blu-Ray and DVD
2. He constantly complains about my smoking and then lights up five minutes later
1. He won't even read this for a few weeks


dennisj said...

I would like to add that he tries to make me dance at PwC holiday parties.

Julie said...

He's not too cool to write drafts that he doesn't publish, though. Which is really even worse.