Wednesday, April 1, 2009

EW greatest villains? Puh-lease

1) Wicked witch of the west. Really? I haven't seen the movie in many many years but doesn't she get bested by a teenage girl?
2) Darth Vader. WRONG. A true villain doesn't change his evil ways at the last minute to repent for all of his wrong deeds. If they had said The Emperor, maybe.
3) Hannibal Lecter. FINALLY a good one. I would even go so far as to move Mr. Lecter up to the number 2 spot.
4) The Joker. They didn't specify but one can only assume they meant Heath Ledger's Joker. And if so, bravo. If not, lame.
5) Alex DeLarge. WRONG. He was just a mixed up kid.
6) Montgomery Burns. Yes yes and yes. I like him at number 6 too.
7) Catherine Tramell. Ugh, I guess they needed more women so they put her on here. And also I guess they never saw Romeo is Bleeding.
8) Voldemort. WHAT? Again, haven't read the book in ages but doesn't he almost get killed by a BABY???? No. That is not true evil.
9)Dracula. This should be in the top 3 easily. Maybe even number 1. I mean, Dracula really doesn't have any feelings and drinks people's blood and has orgies with beautiful women all the time and...doesn't he?
10) Nurse Ratched. LAME. Again, I know they're trying to name people that mainstream america might recognize but how about Mrs. Voorhees or better yet, that chick from The Frighteners.

**** Benjamin Linus should be in the top 3 as well. Any other contenders for top 10?


Boxcar said...

I am going to comment on my own post and add that Lex Luthor should be in the top 3. I guess I'll continue having this conversation with myself.

Julie said...

You should! Mr. Jenkins does that all the time. Besides, that baby line killed me.

I don't have the expertise to comment, but I can't imagine a better diversion for Blaine when he takes a break from all the working, working.

Boxcar said...

Mad Men is soooooooooo good. Thanks again! Yeah, I'm now using this for emailing?

Julie said...

Not ok.
(but I'm still glad)

Boxcar said...

I can't believe Questionable Taste isn't all over this one! Must be tax season...

BEM1212 said...

I feel that this list (though still lacking) is much better. Mainly because they included Ming the Merciless, Alan Rickman in RHPOT, Mrs. Iselin, and I think Alex Forrest is a great addition to the top 10. There are other good things in this list but you get my point.

the link:

They still missed Robert Mitchum in Night of the Hunter, but got him in Cape Fear. I would have at least doubled-up on that one.

Also, I feel like they stole some of our comments from our lists. I mean, I guess our thoughts are not that earth-shattering (zing!! (like Ming)) but they are somewhat similar.

On another note, speaking of earth-shattering, does anyone else totally love the new Star Trek? I mean, like, totally?

BEM1212 said...

Must add the following:

I really like that they included Frank Booth and Phyllis Dietrichson.

I stand by Jon's earlier comments re: turning good and the whole Darth Vader thing but still.

And I know Alex is just a crazy woman, not necessarily a villain, but she's so nuts that I like it.

Boxcar said...

I was just rereading this and realized that you thought Alex DeLarge (from A Clockwork Orange) was Alex forest-something-or-other from Fatal Attraction. a) How odd that you would make that mistake and b) she is a much more frightening villain.

BEM1212 said...

No I was talking about Alex in the list I posted the link to. Read it again.

BEM1212 said...

Here's another fun version, scariest (not best):