Monday, April 27, 2009

Information I have collected about the Swine Flu from conversations with others

+ Do not get on an airplane
+ Do not let ANYONE touch my child
+ Do not go to Fiesta across the street from my house, go to river oaks instead for my groceries
+ Do not talk/ touch any Mexicans
+ Do not worry about it at all, it is just a scare tactic by the media

1 comment:

BEM1212 said...

Welcome, Mercedes Golden. I think this is all good information.

After my recent trip to CVS (not in River Oaks) I would add, Tip 1: pay only with your debit card and use the corners of your card to type in your PIN (this works until you select cash back and the guy hands you two crumply old flu-covered $10 bills).

Tip 2: rubbing alcohol (probably not recommended for infants).

Tip 3: The Miracle Drug: oscillococcinum. Get yourself some tubes of these magic French crystals today! I am not a medical doctor but I think they make you invincible.
Magic. I mean it.