Thursday, April 9, 2009

Fun with the News

Here is a list of bad jokes using headlines from today.

  • "Pakistan has created a Frankenstein of its own." I hope they name it Frakistan.
thank you, thank you

  • "US crew attack on pirates called brave, foolhardy" More like, foolhar-har-hardy.
thank you, thank you

  • Well, I was going to take a Scott Macintyre headline and make a joke out of it, but it seems the news agencies are on top of the bad wordplay game. Witness:
'American Idol' Recap: Scott MacIntyre's 'Search' Is Over
'American Idol' recap: Getting off Scott-free
Piano Unmanned: Did Mixed Signals Seal Scott's Fate?
Scott Not an American Idol Elimination Survivor

These people are nicer than I was going to be.


Julie said...

You're a rascal!

BEM1212 said...

you know, I think rascal was exactly what I was going for.

When I wrote these, I was actually going to say this post was in honor of you and your love of such wordplay, but that was before I knew that you liked Better Off Ted.