Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Most Important Thing I Learned While Taking Online Defensive Driving

This was actually on the second to last section of my defensive driving. I WISH I was making this up...

Share Yourself
In years to come, the children may not remember which museums or sights they saw, but they will remember having your loving and undivided attention.
Along the journey, share memories, stories and songs
Take a lot of photos

Traveling with children is a wonderful opportunity to create memories that will last a lifetime.

Surprisingly, NONE of this information was on the quiz. I will never go 50 in a 40 in Frisco, Tx again.


Julie said...

Because I love this I will post a comment even though I have nothing to add.

BEM1212 said...


Maybe we need a "kudos" button or a "dig it" or whatever those other websites have for times when we'd like to say good things but have nothing else to say.

Um, does anyone know how to program such a thing. 10 print Dig It?