Wednesday, August 19, 2009

10 Actors I'm Surprised to Learn That I Love

10. William Hurt
Ok, not so much that I love him...but HOW much I love him. Lately he's done soooo much with so little (A History of Violence, Mr. Brooks, The Good Shepherd).

9. Columbus Short
Who?!? Kid's got charisma (read: Will Smith). Ya...weird to have an Oscar winner followed by the lead in Stomp the Yard, but what the's my list.

8. Josh Hartnett
Seemed to have found a nice balance 8 years ago (O, Pearl Harbor, Black Hawk Down, 40 Days & 40 Nights). Wish he'd hit a groove again...but alas, I can't hate the guy.

7. Michael Sheen
6. Danny Huston
5. Jamie Foxx

4. Hayden Christensen
It always feels like he's sleepwalking through scenes and when he throws down some pathos it feels like a strain. So suffice it to say, I don't really have an excuse for this one. I like the guy, even if he sucks.

3. Leonardo DiCaprio
As a member of my high school newspaper I wrote a column denouncing all that was "Never Let Go" Leo. Dam fine actor, but still an insufferable public persona.

2. Alec Baldwin

1. Dane Cook
All. Credibility. Lost.

Actors Who Will NEVER Turn Me:
Clint Eastwood
Tim Robbins
Kevin Spacey
John Travolta (minus the dick Travolta, e.g., Face/Off, Broken Arrow)
Kevin Spacey (yes, hate him that much)
Tim Roth (I really f*cking hate this dude)


BEM1212 said...

10. Do not forget his 80s brilliance. Broadcast News! The Accidental Tourist! Body Heat! I love him.

8. The Faculty!

6. The Constant Gardener! Plus he is like royalty.

5. UGH

2. Surprised? Awesome since small role in the 80s - Married to the Mob, She's Having a Baby, Working Girl, etc etc.

1. You are right about that.

And you don't help yourself with that list at the bottom either. I could go on about each of them but I am positive you have not seen the right Tim Roth movies.

You are on probation.

Boxcar said...

Probation? Step into my office. Cuz you're f%$kin' fired!

Did you make this list on opposite day?

BEM1212 said...

Harsh! I will throw myself out there. Actors that I, at one point, was surprised to learn I love though now it I am used to it and it's not surprising anymore:

1. Marky Mark xoxoxoxo
2. JT (that's Timberlake, not Travolta)
3. Edward Furlong
4. LL Cool J
5. Jim Carrey
6. Neil Patrick Harris.
probably some more.

i like this concept. i could probably make a long list of women. talkin bout you, Xtina.

BEM1212 said...

Oh man, How could I forget SWS!?