Monday, August 31, 2009

A movie/TV-related listing of my dream jobs

  1. Hotel owner/operator
  2. Professor of film or just about anything
  3. Editor
  4. City planner
  5. CPA at PwC


Devs said...

"So you've got a list here of five things you'd do if qualifications and time and history and salary were no object."

BEM1212 said...

Now now mine are a tad more realistic than that!

1. Well, yeah, you're sorta right.
2. I've already got the BS in Film, so I've got about a third of the qualifications and a tenth of the history covered.
3. OK, you are totally right.
4. I've read a lot of books, and I know Julie.
5. OH SNAP - I am! (but wrong division and wrong city - so you are right again).

Thanks, dream shatterer.

OOH! Speaking of dream-shattering. Did you see the interview with NPH after he judged American Idol auditions?

Interviewer: Did you change lives?
NPH: I shattered dreams.


BEM1212 said...

the link:

Devs said...

love nph.

Julie said...

Yea--NPH loves SYTYCD! Aren't you mad you didn't get Catherine to introduce you back in the day??